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Can You Really Make Money Online? Yes You Can!

Can you really make money online, is a question often asked by people wanting to set up an online business, the answer is definitely yes. Many, thousands or millions of people are doing just that. Small amounts made by beginners to vast amounts and regular earnings. Everyone from Millionaires to work-at-home moms are working online at a variety of pursuits. Making money is definitely possible when you have an online business.

What are your Strengths? What are you Good at?

Because there is such a great diversity of things you can do online, you first have to decide what is right for you. In what area do you want to work? What Niche are you passionate about? If you choose an area you are passionate about you will enjoy learning more about your hobby and sharing it with others. It will make the long hours you will have to put in to your hobby-business at first, more enjoyable, and people will feel your enthusiasm in your news letters emails and articles. Caring is sharing.

You need a Good Tried and Tested Plan

You need a good business plan to set you off in the right direction and save you wasting time, otherwise all your efforts can be counter productive. You need a good mentor, someone who has already achieved what you are planning to do.

Traffic and Visitors to your Website

You need a list of genuinely interested prospects, without those you don't have a business.

Emails and Articles

Emails you send to people have to be helpful, solve problems be interesting and sometimes funny. Use broadcast emails as well as regular follow-up emails to those opting-in for your offers. Keep your customers interested.

User friendly professional looking website with a good layout

Your website should look good, be easy to navigate and full of useful information, designed to appeal to the specific group you are targeting.


Always give more than expected in everything you do, do things because you care about your customers. Don't think only of money. Make your products in some way unique, add bonuses etc. Let your SEO rankings grow organically write for people not search engines.

Test everything - start small and grow.

Make the most of everything you do. Don't wait for perfection, improve with practice, but do things as well as you can at the moment and keep learning. Never give up. Expect it to take a while to develop your business and if possible start as a hobby-business, retaining your job. There will be long hours, but less money related stress this way, unless you have unlimited funds.

Hopefully I have given you some good pointers to grow your business and enjoy working on your venture. Below are some books you may find helpful.

"Thank God It's Monday" by Charles Cameron & Suzanne Elusorr.

It is basically about finding work, or starting a business that is totally right for you and until you find it, how to improve your feelings towards your current job. It also discusses doing paid work in order to fund setting up your own venture. I thought this truly relevant for many starting in business. There are exercises to help you decide on your true vocation.

Not only does it show you how to survive a job you dislike intensely, but how certain strategies will help you almost enjoy it! A friend tried the techniques and was amazed at the difference it made for her. I can certainly recommend it as an interesting read with added benefits - Enjoy.

The next book I would like to introduce is:

"Live Life First Class"- by Kenneth Hurst.

This is a very thin easy to read book with a simple but powerful message. It opens with him catching a train and the porter despite his menial position, taking delight in his job and learning everything he could in every aspect of his job.

It's about giving 10% extra in every thing you do, to gain a much bigger return on your efforts. Once again a little old faded book with a fantastic message. I hope it's still in print - Enjoy

Two very well-known books By Dale Carnegie, that I have read many times.

"How To Stop Worrying And Start Living"

Here is the story of how, in desperate circumstances he quit his job, and started teaching public speaking. It has techniques to stop people worrying about all the events and areas of their lives. How he turned his life around, and the lives of all he came in contact with. It is full of practical suggestions.

A very well read book that most people have heard of, well worth reading!

Also by Dale Carnegie and just as well-known - "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

A book I found fascinating, it gives you suggestion for changing areas of your life, teaching you how to be more confident, how to get on with people and how to be more interested in others.

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy

This book demonstrates how your sub-conscious mind supports you if you learn to understand the messages it sends, sometimes in the form of intuition, also how to go with the flow and let success happen rather than fight it. Success can be curing ill- health, reaching financial freedom or to succeed in whatever area you goals lie.

Hi, I'm Anne and am delighted you're enjoying my articles.

Best Wishes in your venture, take a look at the information to grow your business FAST.
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