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Internet Marketers: The Money Is In The List Right? Wrong! Here's Why

Many people have said the Money is in the List. If you're been an online marketer for more than two days you've probably heard that mantra. You've heard it from experts, Guru's, average people and pretender's posing as experts and Guru's, right? But that's only partly true.

Many people have invested tons of money building a list only to find disappointing results. Not because the principle of list building proved wrong, but because they neglected, discounted or totally ignored one vital step. Niche Research.

That why I've always said... "The Money is in the Niche"

Because if you don't get the Niche right, the list will do you No Good - as multitudes of online markets eventually discover. In fact, you have to get your Niche Right before you can ever start building a targeted (the most profitable) list.

Without getting this first step of focusing on your niche, you'll merely have a list of untargeted, weak or unprofitable names.

Taking the time to establish, research and develop your niche first is the essence of what it takes to build a profitable business - most people 'still' ignore (scratching head)!

Think about it, All your...

    Product offers and follow-ups
    Blog post
    and yes even your
    Email list success... And More!

... Depends on getting your Niche Research right. No exceptions!

Ironically, my research showed most people who fail, spend the least amount of time, effort and money in niche market research. (Is it any wonder why the online failure rate is so high?)

That's why I grit my teeth every time I see people in many online marketing forums who do the following. They encourage others to stop researching and just start marketing a product and everything will work out (or similar advice). But the advice givers never ask if they've researched their niche market or how they plan to uniquely position themselves. Big and costly mistake. The Result? Another victim added to the 90% online marketing failure rate.

It's even double important if you're...

    In a competitive market
    Have bigger competitors


    You're a new...

... to know how to research your niche. (Sadly most people still don't know what a niche is... or they confuse it with a market).

So, this is the advice I give clients who have unprofitable or low response email list. Instead of wasting more time, money and frustration go back to the drawing board and look at...

    Your Niche Idea - you do have one don't you? What unmet, under-served or overlooked need, problem or irritation are you targeting?
    Your Niche Market - the people you're targeting with a unique need no one else is providing or providing as well as you can.
    Your Niche Product or Service - what problem does it solve that separates it from the competition.

If you don't have those 'down cold' be prepared to spend a lot more money, time and frustration - before your list is profitable... if at all!
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